



(一)  期間:本局因提供服務所須之保存期間。

(二)  地區:中華民國境內(包含臺澎金馬地區)。

(三)  對象:本局或案件權責之公務機關。

(四)  方式:以自動化機器或其他非自動化之利用方式。


(一)  得向本局查詢、請求閱覽或請求製給複製本。

(二)  若您的個人資料有任何異動,得向本局請求補充或更正,使其保持正確、最新及完整。

(三)  得向本局請求停止蒐集、處理或利用及請求刪除,但因本局執行公務所必須者,本局得拒絕之。



According to article 8-1 of the Personal Data Protection Act, the bureau is obliged to inform you of the following when you are filling out application forms and emails:
One: The purpose of collection: Taxation administration, customer management, and service (including satisfaction survey), anti-corruption administration, and other financial services.
Two: The categories of the personal data to be collected: In order to render service, the bureau collects your personal details including full name, national ID card number, telephone number, contact address, vehicle plate number, house address, passport number, and contact information.
Three: The time period, territory, recipients, and methods of which the personal data is used:
(1) Time period: The storage time needed by the bureau for the rendering of services.
(2) Territory: Within the territory of the Republic of China (including Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen, and Matsu).
(3) Recipient: The bureau or government agencies responsible.
(4) Method: Automated machine or non-automated means.
Four: According to article 3 of the Personal Data Protection Act, you may exercise the following rights:
(1) The right to make an inquiry of, to review, and request a copy of your personal data from the bureau.
(2) The right to request the bureau to supplement or correct your personal data in order to make sure it is accurate, up to date, and complete.
(3) The right to demand the cessation of the collection, processing, use, and deletion of your personal data from the bureau. However, if the aforementioned activities are required by the bureau for the execution of the official business, the bureau may decline the request.
Five: You may choose whether to provide your personal data or not, but the bureau will not be able to render services if you refuse to provide your personal data.

For a more comprehensive privacy statement, please refer to the privacy statement section on the bureau's official website. 


房屋稅 - 變更房屋使用情形
If the use of the house changes, the taxpayer shall file its use with the local tax authority within 30 days after the date of the change (Article 7 of the House Tax Act)
二、房屋變更使用其變更日期,在變更月份 15 日以前者,當月份適用變更後稅率,在變更月份 16 日以後者,當月份適用原稅率。
For house changes, the date of change is used. Before the 15th of the changed month, the tax rate after the change is applied in the current month, and after the 16th of the changed month, the original tax rate is applied to the current month.

電 話 (日): (例:04-12345678) 電 話 (夜): (例:04-12345678) 手機號碼: (例:0910123456)


If a person owns the house that meets the following conditions for self-use, he/she can apply for assessment of house tax based on the tax rate for self-use residence: 1. the house is not for rental use; 2. the house is for the actual residence of the owner, spouse or immediate family member; 3. the total number of houses owned by the person, spouse and minor children is less than 3 in the whole country.
因超過全國自住房屋3戶之限制,願放棄如下所選because of the restrictions of 3 households in the country, the owner is willing to waive the self-use houses owned by option below

英文及數字請用中文半型字。連絡電話如屬外縣市應於區域號碼後加 "-",如有分機號碼亦同。例如:04-1234567 (無分機號碼的輸入方式) 或04-1234567-1234 (有分機號碼的輸入方式)。
The * means compulsory field.
The area code and "-" should be added before telephone number, e.g., 04-1234567 (without extension number input) or 04-1234567-1234 (with the extension number input).
agree to survey on video instead of at spot





地 址:[407665] 臺中市西屯區惠來里3鄰文心路二段99號
服務時間:星期一至星期五 上午8:00-12:00:下午1:00-5:00‧全功能服務櫃台中午不午休

臺中市政府地方稅務局 版權所有

瀏覽人次:12996016         更新日期:113-09-12
